Sunday, November 30, 2008

Creating my hectic home into a Haven

I love to follow other bogger's Making Your Home A Haven series. So this week I am hoping to check in each day and let you know how my Haven-Making is going. This is a good week to do this for me since I was away this weekend this will be one of those weeks that could be crazy, stressful, OR I can try to create a sense of peace and order and still get it all done- little by little.

In case you forgot the 5 starter steps of Making Your Home A Haven are:
1) 5 minutes of quiet- first thing in the AM
2) Do your Daily Routine- choose a few things (no more than 5) that you will do every morning.
My Daily Routine: Coffee & quiet time, Wake Kailtyn, Put a load of laundry in, Make breakfast & pack lunches, Load the dishwasher before leaving for the day
3) Make a quick To Do List for that day (weekdays I limit myself to 3 things)
4)Start right away by spending 15-20 minutes on one of the items on your To Do list
5) Keep a positive attitude.

So each day I am hoping to jump in here and let you know how I did that morning. I plan to let you know:

  • if I got 5 minutes of quiet and completed my Daily Rountine
  • what my 3 things for that day's To Do list
  • what or even if I got 15 minutes of something done right away,
  • if I completed my to do list for that day.
  • And did I keep a positive attitude! :-)

Since I am still catching up from being away over the weekend many of my To Dos for the early part of the week would normally be done on the weekends. After that I have some holiday things to get done later in the week.

If it helps anyone who is following this blog (anyone, anyone.. Buler? Buler?) I will give each day a theme- so if you want to follow along with me to Making Your Home A Haven, Monday's theme will be "Catching Up" - pick something this weekend that didn't get completed and make sure that is one To Do on your list for tomorrow!

As I check in each night, feel free to comment on your progress each day also!

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