Friday, January 9, 2009

30 Days of Nothing Challenge

Oh my it has been awhile since I posted. Sorry.

Anyway, I never explained the 30 Days of Nothing Challenge.

The challenge is to spend Nothing ($0) for 30 days.
This challenge is meant to cover everything. Meaning NO spending of any kind other than your monthly bills being paid. NO groceries, no gas, no eating out, no candy from the vending machine, NOTHING!

I am taking on this challenge but I must modify it slightly. Due to my commute to work I need a tank of gas each week. Since it is impossible to put a month's worth of gas in my car at one time I will be spending money each week to put gas in my car. I have allotted $100 for this between Jan 1-Jan 31st. I also need to modify my challenge because I went food shopping when I got paid on Dec 30th- but only purchased enough food for 2 weeks. I did not have enough money to make a larger purchase than that at the time. So on the 15th I am alotting $150 to go food shopping for the last 2 weeks in Jan. Other than those 2 expenses, the only money I will spend is to pay my mothly bills. NO Eating out! NO little candy for the kids! NOthing!!

I began My Challange on Jan 1st and so so far have spend $10 (on gas).

I went food shopping when I got paid on Dec 30th and bought 2 weeks of food. I also put a full tank of gas in my car on Dec 31st. Which lasted that weekend and half of my work-week, then on Tuesday I spent $10 to put gas in my car.

Care to join me in my challenge??
I will try to update my progress weekly.


Anonymous said...

I love the challenge. Just curious on how to do the full 30 days without going out for things like bread and milk or buying gasoline. Is the no shopping more like not going to Kohl's or other dept stores for non-necessities?

Jen said...

In the original challenge- it is supposed to be no shopping of any kind. Most people who participate in these things have "stocked freezers" with frozen meats, cheese, etc.. some may freeze bread (which is what I do) other make their own bread during the challenge. Some freeze milk- othere use powdered milk for the last few weeks. One woman I read was leaving out $10 -- just for milk each week (1 gal/week). But really that's what makes it a "Challenge"- spend nothing. I am still not sure how they get around the gas for the car issue. But all other things can be lived without or make due- with other creative alternatives.