Monday, January 19, 2009

30 Days of Nothing- Lessons Learned

Well my 30 Days of Nothing is over. It was a very interesting "experiment". I learned alot.

I realised there aren't too many times I "want" to spend money. (I think this comes from my frugal side, and my we never have any money side).

I realisesd that the times I wanted to spend money (team photos, candy, soda, a few extra snacks) that in almost all cases- just waiting, and knowing I had to wait until Feb 1st- made me realise I didn't really want it, or at least I knew I could wait. With the one exception of team photos.

I realised that as frugal as I try to be- had I not been on this challenge I would have spent money. Especially since we had a little extra this month.

I had set aside $100 for gas- of which, I only spent $83 - mostly due to 2 snowdays and taking a sick day- which meant 3 days less commuting.

I had set aside $150 for groceries but spent $210.

It was a interesting month, an experiment I may try again some day. But for now I am hoping to loosen the wallet-strings a little- just to not feel so restrcited (not really to run out and spend any money).

It was intresting.. will have to try it again some time. It is a good exercise in will-power and self-control.

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