Saturday, December 20, 2008

Cute Craft Ideas with What You Already Have

I have seem some really cute crafts around the blogosphere. I wanted to share a these two because they are soo cute and soo simple and both can be done with things you may already have laying around your house...

Over at The Homespun Heart- there is a cute craft to create "In the name of Jesus Garland". This would be great if I still worked at the church, but is so simple and looks so nice that it would be great for just decorating your house. And if you are not the religious person- instead of names for Jesus- each tag on the garland could also says things like:

Memories of 2008 (write about a memory in each tag- or put a picture- but that's more work)

Goals / Hopes/ Dreams for 2009

Things I/We are Thankful For This Year

People I Love

The ideas could go on and on... check it out at

The second idea comes from Jenn over at Frugal Upstate, where she makes Paperclip Angels. I could totally see my sister doing this at work- using the paperclips on her desk. (she's very crafty).. but you do need a few other things- like ribbon and a silver bead.. but it is soo cute!

Check it out at

Hope you enjoy some easy crafting!

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